Insight Education and Training Solutions
San Bruno
CA 94066
ph: (650) 888-2654
fax: (780) 760-1776
Don't Miss Out On These Exciting Training Events. Register Today!
June 1 – 2, 2022
Cal State East Bay Oakland Center
Oakland, California
September 29 - 30, 2022
Captain Cook Hotel
Anchorage, Alaska
This two-day workshop will teach participants essential skills and knowledge to help end the opioid crisis in our communities. Topics included are:
Ø Combatting the Opioid Epidemic and Preventing Overdose Deaths: Recovery IS Possible
Ø Mental Health, Addictions and Healing Through An Indigenous Lens
Ø An Indigenous Lens on Co-occurring Disorders: Mental Health & Addictions
Ø Mental Health & Addictions: Medicine Wheel Teachings
Ø The Trauma Triangle: Trauma, Chronic Pain and Opioid Misuse
Our Distinguished Speakers
Ernie Cardinal
The Cree presenter is a member of the Sucker Creek First Nation. While taking the Child and Youth Care program at Douglas College Cardinal first came across the specialized co-occurring disorders program for professionals. From that point Cardinal looked for ways to weave Indigenous frameworks throughout the concepts.
Martha Teater
Martha Teater has been a practicing therapist for over 30 years. She has been in private practice and has worked in such settings as primary integrated care, outpatient substance treatment, skilled nursing care, home health, free clinic, and in a medication-assistance program.
She has published over 175 articles in newspapers and magazines and is coauthor of Overcoming Compassion Fatigue: A Practical Resilience Workbook, and Treating Chronic Pain: Pill-Free Approaches to Move People from Hurt to Hope.
Oakland, California
2022 Mental Wellness and Opioids Workshop: Promiding Responses to Ending the Crisis
Anchorage, Alaska
2022 Mental Wellness and Opioids Workshop: Promiding Responses to Ending the Crisis
1. Download the registration form.
2. Complete the form and either email or fax it to Rebecca Marinos.
You will receive an email confirmation with additional program information.
3. Mail your payment or include your credit card information on your registration form. You can also call the office to pay by credit card.
Contact Informaton
Rebecca Marinos, Executive Director
Ph: 650.888.2654
Fax: 780.
Mailing Address:
Insight Education & Training Solutions
2781 Ridgeway Avenue
San Bruno, Ca 94066
Copyright 2022 Rebecca Marinos. All rights reserved.
Insight Education and Training Solutions
San Bruno
CA 94066
ph: (650) 888-2654
fax: (780) 760-1776